Dual drive system TR1

Dual drive system TR1

The TR1 double gearmotor system is a complete assembly consisting of high-efficiency gearbox torque with electric motors and brake systems.

These units are mainly intended for use in electric transport vehicles such as forklift trucks, AGVs and other robotic handling equipment. The modular system includes several types of gear ratios, track widths, wheel hub connection and brakes.

Customized versions can be designed to meet your perfect needs.


The TR1 allows the vehicles on which it is installed to benefit from great agility, or even to turn on the spot. This is why it is perfectly suited to the handling industry. Indeed, forklift trucks and other self-propelled gears need a maneuverability and to evolve easily in spaces sometimes very restricted.


Our teams control the complete powertrain and advise you on your whole project.
– Feasibility survey, choice and dimensioning the elements.
– Integration (electrical boxes, bundles…)
– Configuration
– Installation on site
– Training

EFA is the ideal partner to go on electric !

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