AC electric motor with axial flow

Electrics motor with axial flow


The motors with axial flow are integrated to the range of AC motor with synchronous technology. The  motors advantages of these motors are based on their form. The axial motor with axial flow are compact and larger than long. This allows the motor the heat dissipation and be more flexible on vehicles. In addition, this better heat management allows to loose less power and also a better efficiency for the motor with axial flow .

A well efficiency and a minimum weight allows you to save your battery

The motor has a large application field : Robotic, agricultural tractor, medical supples, logistical machines, industrial etc. The AC motor with axial flow are possibly used for traction and stationary.

In our customer projets, we offer different kinds of electrics AC motor with axial flow :

  • AC synchrounous with double lateral output : AC motor brushless with high power up to 25kW, compact and easily involvable. The best one for traction application.
  • AC synchronous with simple output up to 1,5 kW. Use with accessory functions on vehicles or stationary.
  • AC wheel motorized for an easy integration in the hub of your wheel.The best for bicycle, moto, or 4 wheels vehicles.


Our expertise

With Efa, we assist you for the dimensioning of your whole driving chain and the accessory function of your vehicles. Study, electric diagram, Kit plus realiastion & Play, …, We assist you during each steps of your electric project.

Our teams handle the whole driving chain and advice you for your project.
– Feasibility, choice and dimensioning of the components.
– Integration (electrical box, electricals decks, beams, etc)
– Settings
– On-site installation
– Training
EFA is your best partner to convert you into the electric.

Main characteristics 

 Synchronous motor with alternating current : with axial flow

  • Number of stator : 2 
  • RPM : 3000 to 6000  
  • Alimentation : 24 to 560V 
  • Power :  0,5W to 40W 
  • Rating protection : SPF67

Do you need further informations ?

Contact us by clicking below, nous will be delighted to discuss about your problematical in order to find the better technology or solutions to meet your needs.

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