
We are delighted to share this project with a French company specialising in the design of electromagnetic braking solutions for heavy goods vehicles (trucks and buses).

We were able to design and build this solution for two key applications for this customer: a PDU for a test bench for an electromagnetic braking solution and another PDU for real tests on a truck.

The design and production of high-voltage PDU prototypes is a challenge that many design offices have to face. Efa France has met this challenge by drawing on a set of standard components that have already been developed, as well as a strong partnership in the field of power connectors: @amphenol.

The PDU we developed is connected to a 400V battery via an Amphenol HVSLS 600 connector. The solution was implemented using shielded cables to comply with electromagnetic compatibility constraints.

Power Distribution Unit 


PDU performance :

Voltage: 500V
Max current: continuous 60A peak 130A
Power: 65kW
The PDU includes various fuses to protect the circuits supplying the drives, DCDC converters, heating and other functions.

In addition, a connector for a charger is integrated into the PDU enclosure, enabling connection between the output of the on-board charger and the batteries.

Thanks to this collaboration and the work of our entire team, we were able to respond quickly and effectively to our customer’s needs, providing them with a reliable, high-performance and tailored solution in just a few months.

To find out more about our PDU solutions and electrification capabilities, please contact us or visit the dedicated page on our website.


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