PDU manufacturing

efa supports your energy distribution projects from design to manufacture


What’s a PDU ?

The power distribution unit plays a crucial role in the efficient management and distribution of energy in new electric vehicles.

  • Power distribution from battery(ies)
  • Load management
  • Electrical protection and safety
  • Monitoring, communication and simplified maintenance
  • Compatibility with complex systems

This technology optimises performance while reducing the carbon footprint, offering a sustainable solution to today’s electric mobility challenges..












Where to use a PDU?

Power Distribution Units (PDUs) are used in a variety of vehicles, or any mobile or industrial equipment requiring efficient power supply management.

Here are a few examples of where PDUs can be deployed in vehicles, to distribute power to the various on-board equipment, such as communication systems, navigation devices and surveillance systems, and to manage the power supply to the various electronic components.

  • Land vehicles
  • Aircraft
  • Boats and ships
  • Mobile industrial equipment (construction machinery, mobile industrial robots, agricultural machinery, etc.)
  • Emergency and rescue vehicles

In these applications, PDUs can be designed to withstand the specific environmental conditions of the vehicle, such as vibrations, extreme temperatures, humidity, etc. They help to guarantee the reliability and availability of on-board electrical systems, while facilitating centralised management of the power supply.


What expertise efa can bring 

Construction, Handling, Agriculture, Airports, Lifting, etc. Thanks to our specialist design office and strong partnerships, efa can support you at every stage of your electrification project by designing PDUs from 24V to 1000V, 300W to 300kW.

From discovering your needs, to assessing the viability of your project, to developing prototypes, right through to series production.

We’re proud to be part of projects that are shaping the future of clean mobility, and we look forward to continuing to push back the boundaries of mobile electrification! !


To find out more or for any request concerning the electrification of your vehicles,
contact us or visit our specific page on PDUs

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