New PDU project : No BRAKE to power distribution!

New PDU project : No BRAKE to power distribution!

We are delighted to share this project with a French company specialising in the design of electromagnetic braking solutions for heavy goods vehicles (trucks and buses). We were able to design and build this solution for two key applications for this customer: a PDU...
A new and high VOLTage achievement !

A new and high VOLTage achievement !

We are delighted to announce a new project with one of the leaders in the airport equipment sector. We took on the challenge of developing a high-voltage Power Distribution Unit (PDU) for an aircraft tractor model. With three 400V batteries in parallel, a maximum...
EFA expert in PDU design

EFA expert in PDU design

efa supports your energy distribution projects from design to manufacture   What’s a PDU ? The power distribution unit plays a crucial role in the efficient management and distribution of energy in new electric vehicles. Power distribution from battery(ies)...