Adaptalarm SNC

Meets the AVAS standard

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Adaptalarm SNC: give silence a sound

The SNC (Speed Noise Control) version of our Adaptalarm has diversified to meet the requirements of the AVAS standard.

With the rise of electric and hybrid vehicles, the risk of collision between man and vehicle increases sharply: 37% according to the NHTSA. In light of this, two of the European regulations are changing:

  • ZRegulation (EU) No. 540/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the sound level of motor vehicles
  • ZRegulation No. 138 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) relating to uniform provisions concerning the approval of Quiet Road Transport Vehicles with regard to their reduced audibility.
Efa-mobile machinery specialist

Simply put, you need a product that:

Emits a sound proportional to its forward speed, between 0 and 32 km/h

A sound that changes between 56 and 75 dB maximum 

A sound comparable to a combustion-powered vehicle of the same type

A sound that radiates 3 metres all around the vehicle 

A system equipped with a deactivation button

As an equipment supplier for industrial vehicles, efa France has developed a product capable of meeting these new regulatory obligations.

Our Adaptalarm SNC connects to the vehicle via the CAN networkor more conventionally using analogue inputs. By retrieving speed information from the Can Bus or by sending it a certain voltage, the Adaptalarm SNC will generate a sound similar to an engine accelerating or decelerating.

efa France has developed a library capable of imitating all types of vehicles, ranging from large backhoe loaders to small autonomous vehicles.

Our expertise

For many years now, we have been orienting our product development towards onboard electronics, centred around operator assistance and ergonomics. We also specialise in electric traction.

It is therefore quite natural that we have developed this product for electric vehicles which meets the AVAS standard.

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